Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A softer view of things

As an experiment, I have for the past week not listened to any hard rock. Those of you who know me will also know how excruciating a trial this has been for me. However, as it nears its' completion I find that it has been a very good and educational experience.

My appreciation for other genres has increased by leaps and bounds, and the constant drone of Craig's Metallica has become, to say the least, an irritant. I never realized how ridiculous that band is. It's music for 30 year old men who live in their parents basement and wish they were good at fighting. How sad.

Other various bands whom I previously loved have also lost their appeal. The constant anger, frustration, angst and overall unrest is almost tiring. Often times I would be irritated for no reason and wonder to myself "What am I all upset about? Everything is going great and I have no valid reason to be angry but I am." I think I found the answer. This sort of music really feeds those emotions no matter how small the initial feeling, and soon you're in a rage over virtually nothing. Very interesting indeed.

This is not to say I'll give it up entirely. It's great to work out to. I will definitely lay off the stuff a large amount though. I just feel better this way.

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